Thursday 1 October 2015

All New Brain Controlled Gadgets - The Future

When we were small kids we used to study that the brain is controller of our body. But now the technology has gone beyond that. Now not only we can control our body with the brain we can also use our brain to control some of the machines. Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging technologies llow the direct interface (BCI) of machines with the human brain.

This ability is made possible through brain-computer interface and special sensors that can monitor physical processes that occur within the human brain.

 In this, user manipulates his thoughts and brain activities in order to produce brain waves which are used for the functioning of the machine.

Some Brain Controlled Machines

1.    Brain Controlled Robotic Hand

It is a miracle for the handicapped persons which are not having their hands or paralyzed body. With simple practice of brain wave manipulation the device can be controlled easily by the brain. Many of its models are being tested worldwide nowadays, one of the picture of a man having a hi-tech multi finger prosthetic hand. He is able to lift a bottle easily with the help of this prosthetic hand. A scalp EEG (Electroencephalogram) cap (The white cap on head) was fitted to record the electric signals produced by brain.


2.    Exoskeleton controlled with Brain

Now the days are not too far in which persons looking like iron man will be with us wearing an exoskeleton which is controlled by mind. This exoskeleton helps to move the person with his brain waves. This also can be used as a prosthetic leg or an exoskeleton for the peoples with paralyzed legs. In this the system uses EEG technology combined with lower limb exoskeleton to translate the brain waves to motion of the machine.

3.    Brain Driver

So you must have heard about driver less car but here is a car that can actually move the way your mind wants. I can also call it telekinesis (Practice of moving things with the mental powers) which is assumed to be impossible. To drive this car just put on your EEG and get ready to roll on the roads. This is the future of driving.

4.    MUSE

Do you really think the touch screen and voice recognition is the most advance technology to use your mobile devices today if yes then you are wrong. The MUSE a light and portable device that fits on your head and let your brain directly controls your mobile from the brain. But it is little difficult to use device as it can even send the message to your boss about his shaggy and bullshit attitude if you are thinking about that.

For more updates stay tuned to  “TECHurosity” and BE CURIOUS.