Thursday 19 May 2016

Biggest Announcement made by Google in I/O 2016

Google is here with many new announcements at Google I/O 2016. It is going to be a real fun to look these technologies. It contains from Android N (7) to Daydream. So lets begin with the best

Android N

Google has announced Android N which will be coming to the devices this year. But surprisingly Android N does not have any name yet. But google has asked for the help of you all to give suggestion of the name. You could submit your suggestions here.  

Google Assistant

It is the improved version of Google Now that we are currently using now in our android phones. It was not as good as Siri or Cortana but did the job well. But now Assistant is here to give a tough fight to Siri and Cortana. It's smart and better.


It is a VR platform made by Google. It is based on the upcoming android version Android N. It will be like a whole new operating system for VR like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Google has made the Framework for Daydream and now its upto the open source developers to make apps over it. It's drawback is that it will only support the new upcoming phones with some sort of special screens and sensors. It said that companies like HTC and Samsung have already started to make these kind of phones.

Allo and Duo

Google has two new messaging apps Allo and Duo. Allo is a chat based based messenger whereas Duo is a video calling app. Allo will be getting a chat bot and it also says that all the messages will be encrypted and a special incognito mode in which it will be end-to-end encrypted. Duo will be a competitor for Facetime and Skype.

Android Instant

Now that's a fairly new thing google has done. Its a new feature that lets you run an app without downloading it. It is done by grabbing main parts of the web app from the browser and downloading the core parts of app for some time and then displaying it as an app. It is done for the apps which you need to use only once or twice.