Sunday 29 May 2016

A building printed by 3D Printer

Use of 3D printers is increasing day by day and the technology is improving at a fast rate. Dubai has achieved a new stepping stone in 3D printing, they just printed an office building with the use of a 3D printer. The building is situated in Dubai Emirates Towers Complex.

The building was made by a very large 3D printer which measured about (6x36x12)m. Most of the work was done by the printer and the structure of the building was almost ready in 17 days. Some small printers were also deployed for the work. This shows the future of architecture depends on 3D printing.

The deployment of workforce was also utterly less, only seven persons to install the building's components, some technical staff for the technical issues and only a single staff member for operating the printer's function.

The actual budget of the building was not revealed yet sources confirm that the price was near about half cost when it was build using the 3D printer.

This makes Dubai and United Arab Emirates a world leader in 3D printing techniques and usage.

Saturday 28 May 2016

185 TB in a Sony Magnetic Tape

Magnetic tapes was the most preferred storage device in era of 60's - 90's. At that time the storage of the magnetic tape was from 5 mb to 140 mb. These magnetic tapes was taken on by the compact discs.

But now Sony has come out with a magnetic tape which could store up to 185 TB of data. This means roughly 189 GB/in², which is a massive storage density. A 2 TB hard disk roughly contains memory density nearly equal to 2 GB/in².

Tapes were the backbone of computer memory storage from the 1950s until the late 1980s. They're familiar to early home computer users in the form of the humble audio cassette that saved them from having to laboriously type in a program every time they wanted to run it. In everyday life, tapes were replaced so universally by hard discs, flash drives and optical media including CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays that it often comes as a surprise to learn that magnetic tape is still widely used as back up memory for servers and databases. Because, while discs may be fast and flexible, tape still has the advantage of being very stable and using much less power than hard disc drives, so tape is anything but yesterday’s technology.

To achieve such a high memory density Sony has made a soft polymer underlayer which is 5 micrometers thick. On this layer it deposits a fine nano-grain magnetic particles. These particles are much smaller as compared to the traditional magnetic particles found on magnetic tapes. It makes all the particles to line up in an orderly fashion instead of landing at random on the under layer. This technique is called "Sputter" by Sony. 

It sees forward to get this technology to consumer as soon as possible, but it seems that it will take more than a year to get this product in consumers hand.

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Friday 27 May 2016

A Phone that will never run out of the Memory: Next Bit Robin

A team of Ex-Google employees has made a company Next Bit which is launching a phone named Robin, that claims to never run out of memory. It uses cloud storage synced with the on board storage. So all your data is saved on the cloud.

The phone is very stylish and sleek. It comes with a 5.2 full HD display at 1080p IPS display with Gorilla Glass 4 screen protection. It have 3GB of RAM with 32 GB storage on board and 100 GB cloud space. Camera is quite good at 13 Mega Pixel with Phase detection and a 5 MP front shooter. It does support a fingerprint sensor and NFC (Near Field Communications). The phone is powered by a Snapdragon 808 processor clocked at 2 GHz with hexacores. The phone comes with all the developer features and open source drivers so that anyone can install a CyanogenMod or a custom rom and the phone will still remain in the warranty period.

Its Global price is 399$ but the company has not revealed the Indian Price and the specs are also of the Global version. Flipkart confirmed on Social Sites that this phone will soon be available in India throuh Flipkart.
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Thursday 26 May 2016

Share the battery of the phone with Pebble PowerShare-Z

Now you can share your phones battery with anyone or you can charge the battery of your phone from any other phone. A new device made by Pebble is able to do that only the requirement is that the phones should be OTG supported.

It is a tiny product you just can put it in your pocket, wallet or use it as a key ring and get moving. It also supports the iPhone connectors which can be used to charge iPhone. It is designed with a high quality silicon covering so that its soft and easy to hold. It also contains some basic protection features which ensures no overcharging or discharging. 

It also comes with a  6-moth replacement warranty. It is available on you can directly buy it from the link given below. 

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Monday 23 May 2016

HoloLens: The future of hologram

Microsoft's HoloLens
 Microsoft is here with its amazing new technology HoloLens which depends on the holograms. It tends to mix the digital world with the real world. In simple words it looks like the same technology which Iron Man uses in his devices to project a hologram on the real world.  

HoloLens is a device made to interact with high definition holograms in the real world. At the early stage it is out only as developer's edition which gonna cost you about $3000. Microsoft has the development IDE for the visual studio for download on their official website for the developers. 


It projects a high definition 3D hologram on the glasses in front of your eyes. So that it looks like the holograms are alive and are kept in front of you. You can control those by your hand gestures. It has motion sensors and cameras installed which capture the real world conditions and your gestures to work. Microsoft has not been planning a non-developer edition till now and does not have any such plans for the non-developer version. The HoloLens was announced in January 2015.

Preview of Microsoft's HoloLens

The reason for only developer edition is because it is not fully developed according to claims of the company and they want open source developers to help them make this product better.
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Saturday 21 May 2016

Google Home: Your Smart Home Assistant

Google Home
Google is trying to mix technology in every aspects of our life by giving us the services like Google Now, Translate, Voice Search and products like Chromecast and Chromecast audio, they are indeed taking it further one step by introducing its new product Google Home. We featured google home in our previous post Biggest Announcements made by google in Google I/O 2016  .

Google Home is your personal home assistant that can be operated by voice commands. It is based on the new concept of IoT (Internet of Things). It connects with other smart devices of home to function all of them just by voice commands. It can hear voice commands more effectively than ever before. It uses WiFi to connect and communicate with other smart devices in the home.
Google Home Tasks

At the starting level it provides basic search and all the features of new Google Assistant, it can control the devices like Chromecast and Chromecast Audio wirelessly. But in near future it promises to connect with other electronic appliances as well, such as you can control all your lights and switches on it to control it with voice commands. 

Google Home Designs

It comes with decent color themes that easily fits anywhere in your house and it does not have any physical button on the body it's activated by voice command. 

Google has asked developers to start building apps for Google Home as it would be available at any time in the market this year.
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Smart Jacket that makes you Smart

Jacket makes you look smart but this Smart Jacket by Levis provides the smartness beyond the looks. Lets check it out whats so smart in a Smart Jacket,

As google announced last year the partnership with most renowned clothing brand to come up with a new ‘Smart Clothing’. So the wait is finally over in google I/O 2016 google explained the concept behind the smart clothing. This Levis jacket named as Levis Commutator Jacquard by google trucker jacket.

This smart cloth will be composed of conductive fabric woven into the garment to develop an interactive patch that senses touch, pressure and the gestures of hand before touching the patch. This Levis jacket contains a weave of jacquard threading on the left arm, and there's a little Bluetooth-enabled loop you connect to the cuff of your jacket. That cuff lets your phone talk to the jacket, and you can configure exactly what gestures you want to work with which apps.

In Google I/O 2016 google showcased some of its functions also as you can swipe to adjust the volume of the music, tap to change the music and some other gesture for navigation direction using Google Maps. This jacket is basically built by keeping bikers in mind.
This smart jacket does not need any special handling. It can be easily and worn just like other garments: you just have to remove the Bluetooth cuff before washing. Developers will have access to a host of APIs to make their apps work with Jacquard, and they are expecting to work with various apps by the time this garment comes in the market. Right now it works with your calls and messaging apps, Google Play Music and Maps and third-party apps from Spotify and Starve.

This jacquard based smart jacket will come in 2017 in markets, but is going to launch its ‘beta test’ that will come this year itself

Thursday 19 May 2016

Biggest Announcement made by Google in I/O 2016

Google is here with many new announcements at Google I/O 2016. It is going to be a real fun to look these technologies. It contains from Android N (7) to Daydream. So lets begin with the best

Android N

Google has announced Android N which will be coming to the devices this year. But surprisingly Android N does not have any name yet. But google has asked for the help of you all to give suggestion of the name. You could submit your suggestions here.  

Google Assistant

It is the improved version of Google Now that we are currently using now in our android phones. It was not as good as Siri or Cortana but did the job well. But now Assistant is here to give a tough fight to Siri and Cortana. It's smart and better.


It is a VR platform made by Google. It is based on the upcoming android version Android N. It will be like a whole new operating system for VR like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Google has made the Framework for Daydream and now its upto the open source developers to make apps over it. It's drawback is that it will only support the new upcoming phones with some sort of special screens and sensors. It said that companies like HTC and Samsung have already started to make these kind of phones.

Allo and Duo

Google has two new messaging apps Allo and Duo. Allo is a chat based based messenger whereas Duo is a video calling app. Allo will be getting a chat bot and it also says that all the messages will be encrypted and a special incognito mode in which it will be end-to-end encrypted. Duo will be a competitor for Facetime and Skype.

Android Instant

Now that's a fairly new thing google has done. Its a new feature that lets you run an app without downloading it. It is done by grabbing main parts of the web app from the browser and downloading the core parts of app for some time and then displaying it as an app. It is done for the apps which you need to use only once or twice.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Move with your 24 inch Display in your Pocket with SPUD

SPUD front-view
Now no need to worry about the small screen of your laptop or your Smart Phone while you are on the go. Just carry a 24-inch SPUD screen in your back pocket. Yes you read it right, a 24 inch display in your back pocket. Read further to know about it.

A New startup named AROVIA has made it possible by making a Spontaneous Pop-Up Display(SPUD) which pops a 24-inch display, out of a box nearly equal to the size of Apple TV(2.2 x 5.6 x 7.5 inches). Its real easy to Pop out the screen by just unfolding the device and boom a screen pops out of that small thing in merely a second. Then you could connect it by either using a HDMI cable or wirelessly, using Intel's WiDi Protocol. It can be connected to your Smart Phone, Tablet or Laptop.

SPUD Process

The founder of the company Alexander Wesley developed the idea while he was travelling as a product manager and lacked a screen room for making power point presentations and Excel sheets at the hotel room. He was funded by a National Science Foundation accelerator grant while at Rice University in Heuston.

It uses a vinyl made rear projector display. The screen is a 1280x720 resolution HD display which is quite sharp, company plans to bring display's with higher resolutions in the future. It hardly weighs 0.68Kg (1.5lbs) which is great. It cost lies between $300 to $500 that means roughly Rs. 20000 to Rs. 33000.

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Google I/O 2016: Google's biggest annual Event

Google I/O is a conference of developers worldwide hosted by Google. In this event Google will be telling about all the coming technology including software as well as the hardware in this year for developers as well as the users. The main parts of the event will be Keynotes, Live Stream with Schedule, Code Labs.  The event will be going from 18th of may to 20th of may. This year's event will be hosted by the CEO Mr. Sundar Pichai. 

                            The Keynotes include the brief of the event including the schedule. It will also be hosting many of the educational sessions on their services and products. Code Lab is an online environment for learning the new code technologies where you get many new and updated small courses for different environments including Analytics, Android, Android Auto, Android TV, Android Wear, Apps, Cloud, Firebase, Geo, Search, Unity, Virtual Reality and Web.


You can get the live stream and social updates here on TECHurosity.

For more updates keep visiting and BE-Curious.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Worlds most advanced "Humanoid Robots": The top 3

If you are a teenager at this time you must have watched an animated cartoon series "Richie-Rich", which featured a Robot maid named 'Irona'. It was presented as the advanced robot maid which looked like humans,

Thursday 3 March 2016

Data Server Underwater: Project Natick(By Microsoft)

Microsoft has started testing a new concept that is Project Natick, it aims to study the benefits and difficulties in deploying sub sea data centers worldwide. To study this they